Why Partner?

Connect With a Global Community of Over 400 mRNA Experts

Demand for bespoke services and solutions is increasing exponentially as the mRNA industry continues to progress, targeting indications beyond infectious disease, and expanding applications through innovative approaches such as gene editing, cell engineering and protein replacement therapy.

C-level executives and senior decision makers are actively seeking partners to support their pipelines and advance their mRNA candidates through to commercialization. As the largest gathering of mRNA experts globally, the 4th mRNA-Based Therapeutics Summit provides the ultimate platform for you to engage with leading biopharma and stakeholders across the drug development pipeline. Seize the opportunity to showcase your innovative solutions to a global audience spanning C-level through to scientists.

If you have top-tier services and solutions in:

Trailblazing mRNA-LNP Design, Screening & Synthesis Methods

Optimizing Analytical Tools for mRNA Release & Nanoparticle Stability

Harmonizing Regulatory Documentation Guidance to De-Risk mRNA Drug Approval

Pioneering Delivery Solutions & Platform Innovations

Improving Pre-Clinical Assays for Potency & Immunogenicity Studies

Advancing Clinical Trial Development & Recruitment

Utilizing Novel Technologies for mRNA Drug Manufacturing & Scale Up

Increasing Marketing Access & Commercialization Planning

…then drug developers are looking for you!

Take advantage of our bespoke partnership packages to achieve your commercial goals and bring better mRNA drugs to patients faster than ever before.

Who Attends this Meeting?

mrna - Company Breakdown graph
mrna - Audience seniority graphic

Companies Confirmed for July